You didn't just nurf Astral Strike, you now made it worthless. On top of it now hitting friendlies, it is completely random where it hits. The fact that 50-90% of the damage can go to completely empty tiles makes it 100% worthless. There is no way to strategically plan its use. The best part of Astral Strike was its utility at softening a group of enemies by taking a little off all of them, or being able to hit one enemy hard. It also took understanding of its mechanics to get it to hit just one target vs it going to several mobs. Almost like a skill shot. This nerf is horrible. It would have been better to reduce its total damage rather than change its functionality completely. It has now gone from the best Warlock spell, to going instantly to the discard pool. The whole appeal to the warlock was its complexity and being able to utilize Astral Strike in different ways for different situations and trying to level Cana. It takes almost no skill to level Cana now with the new changes to her XP, and you have removed the only class spell we have to attack with (other than master's call with its 1pt of dmg) and made it completely worthless. This change has taken all the fun out of playing the Warlock.