Hand tracking
Brad Fraser
Am I the only one who doesn't understand how we don't have hand tracking for this game already I mean it makes perfect sense to have it in a game where your controllers are being used as a hand all you have to do is flip your hand over and there's your card touch the button and it presses it just feel like hand tracking would be an amazing addition to this game
Tomas Alaeus
Andrew Konietzky
Sweet... I'm surprised it wasn't there Day One.
in progress
This is currently being worked on! Check out our teaser of it here: https://twitter.com/DemeoGame/status/1623023353131925505
René Mortensen
Alot of games uses controllers acting as hands, but that does not mean they HAVE to be using hand tracking.
Hand tracking is more harder to use in gameplay then you think.
Michael F
It makes sense and it could be nice, but hand tracking barely works and for me at least isn’t worth it in its current state