In Doubles - switch between hands
Daniel Gallivan
one way that could work in non-doubles is to pick up a character in one hand and show the cards of the picked-up character
I 100% agree with this.
It doesn’t switch from your first character’s cards, until your next character’s actual go. You should be able to switch through your cards to be able to prep for next go. :)
When you open the menu it shows your parties hp, buffs etc. I think this should be shown on the right hand along with. Eg. 8/10, 7/11 cards for each character.
Michael F
One hand left, one hand right maybe?
Norman Caissie
Came to ask this. hard to decide on opening a chest when you forget how many cards you second guy has. Same in Skirmish mode. Plus it helps tactically to know what your other guys have.