Mid battle save points
in progress
Taylon Judd
Please!!! We need this.
Tomas Alaeus
in progress
Saves for skirmish play are now available. We're aware of the requests to change saves for multiplayer and are looking into it.
Taylon Judd
Tomas Alaeus: we really need this feature. My wife and I love your game but we have a baby and sometimes he interrupts game play and if we’re not at one of your checkpoints, hours worth of play is lost and it’s so frustrating to have to start over and NEVER get to beat these dang missions. Even if you don’t add save option at least add the option for party leader to pause and not disconnect
Guilherme Acácio
Samme here. Sometimes I have 20 min to play it but I won't as I don't know how long the session would take. Some of my friends haven't bought it yet due the lack of this feature. I would be nice if a developer could say a word about it.
Vasilis Fragos
I was just going to get it on Quest 3 when i saw this. Now i'm hoping to add a save option ASAP mid game to get it.
Signed up just to leave my support for this comment. Had Demeo on my wishlist for a while, but I won't be buying it without a sane (read: user-friendly) save option. It's a disappointing lack of awareness of how players want to engage.
Mikołaj Nowak
Exactly. I was mobbing for it on discord since the first day I got the game. In fact I was stunned that it isn't there. It's the thing that stops me from playing this game entirely.
Lucian Melendrez
This is a must that will allow our group to play way more, as of now we always have to ask ourselves when we are going to the next floor in the dungeon: "Do all of us have 2 hours more to play?" More often than not the answer is 'No' so we stop gaming for the night... when most of us still could have easily play for 30 minutes or 1 hour more, if we could then save our game.
This is a MUST for this game. The current save style is archaic and antagonistic to almost all of its player base. Midgame/autosaves is the #1 needed update right here. Like, literally need to stop working on everything else until this is fixed.
Hello developers - why do you continue to ignore this request. So many people want the ability to save our games mid-mission. Please let us know when this will be added. It is the biggest downfall to this game. Thank you. I hope you will stop ignoring this and add this feature.
Richard Haiku
Agree, this would be great.
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