Indicate if a card causes friendly fire
René Mortensen
For better or worse, this feature is already in the game of sort. But how you use them is on the player not taking visual note on the board, and not the lack of being able to see if players will take a hit, as anything that will take a hit by the attack, will glow in red and get highlighted.
Elliott Todd
This is maybe only useful to brand new players.
I am old school :) ❤️
I think that finding out is part of the fun :)
Klayer13: but you don’t need to. It is already part of the game to show what pieces will be affected
It’s pretty clear. When you go place a spell. Anything in the affected area that will be hit with it will grow a bit in size. Try with warriors whirl wind and piercing throw. As ww will not hit allies and pt will.
Hope that helps
Pastafazola: Correction, due to recent Update with Elven King Book. Whirlwind does now affect friendlies. (and does 4 damage vs. 3)
René Mortensen
XxBattMannxX: But the point is, you can see that whirlwind highlights them in red, while something els might highlight only the ennemies and not the allies when placed over them.
But if people are to blind enugh to understand that, we might as well put in the cards "This card hurts players" or "This card only attack mobs" in giant bold text.
James S
I hadn’t thought of this, but I, being an admittedly…low-skill gamer, desperately need it!