In game friend list
Christopher white
I think this game would benefit from an in game friend list. I play online with alot of people that play on oculus, and i play on psvr2. Once the match is over, there is no way to talk or play with those people again on cross play. I have met some really awesome friends, and would love to talk, and play with them again.
Paul Reed
This is a must have, as a Steam player I meet loads of cool Meta players and we have no way of reliably meeting up again. The hang-out is such a great feature surely a friend list is a must?
Michael (DarkSage)
I like the idea a lot, since, Fortnite and various other games use a similar concept to add players from other systems to friend's list, plus show when they are on or not.
René Mortensen
Would be a good idea, but since the game isnt linked to all platform´s accounts, there is no possible way to be able to see, and add them as a friend from that platform they on.
We have Meta´s friend or follow list.
We have Playstaytion´s friend list.
We also have a Steam´s friend list.
They would need to link all accounts togeather, and share their information on what platform your friend is from or playing.
Sean Bell
René Mortensen: I see it would be complex, but for a social game like this extremely valuable! When you have a headset on, you can't easily jump on discord to share room codes. Anything to reduce friction in connecting with players.
Samuel Morales
I concur