Enemy count
Yes, this is just tiring, I just played through the first adventure and it took like 3 hours of _constant combat_. It's way too stressful, and not in a "challenge" kind of way, just constantly busy.
I wish there would be some sort of respite between the spawns. Maybe opening chests could trigger spawns? That way it's a "players choose difficulty" type deal
Quentin de Boyer d'Eguilles
Especially during the Rat King's quest...
I would prefer an option to enable or disable spawning of enemies when I create a game
Chris Mattioli
Often times groups are pinned down in one location for like 20-30 minutes due to the continuous waves of spawning enemies. Then we finally clear it out and the rest of the map feels relatively empty. The game would progress better if there were less spawns but more enemies per room / hallway.