My wife, best friend and I have been playing this game for a few months now. I am level 63 so we have put in quite a bit of time. The critical fail rate is incredibly frustrating. Tonight we seemed to fail more then hit, and I just happened to be playing a barbarian. I cannot tell you how frustrating it was to come up with a game plan on an encounter and watch us all miss and take absolute beatings. Meanwhile my attempt to hook someone just ended up with me flinging myself a random direction or firebombing my own team.
My wife critical failed 3 times in a row... painful. Missing does not feel like fun, missing attack after attack feels like punishment. One I do not care to go through anymore.
Also- The enemies can hit us from 2 or 3 full levels down. That should not be the case, the enemies should have the same exact ability to see and hit us as we have of them. It feels like an unfair advantage and leads to moments where the enemy can hit you, but you can't do anything back. lame.
Finally, the monster density seems pretty inconsistent. Some games they are spread out relatively evenly... other games the first level of black sarcophagus the entire map and we are quickly surrounded by dozens of mobs coming from every corner of the map. Mond you we are VERY careful on what we reveal to prevent this..... sometimes they just open every damn door and flood in like a black friday sale.
Suggestion: If someone fails once, make it impossible to fail the second dice roll. This will AT LEAST make it so entire rounds are not wasted and hopefully reduce the overall number of fails without overly effecting balance.