"Confirm" Moves
Add an option for players to "Confirm" a move before they actually complete it.
So when you are about to move, the target you see will stay in place, but a popup will appear asking "Are you sure about that?" Or just a simple "Confirm" button.
Additionally, if the player is holding a button, let's say "A", when they move, it auto- confirms the move.
Additionally, there is a tickbox in settings where a player can toggle "Always confirm move" which plays how it does now, however, the player can still hold a button ("A") and this time it asks for the confirmation.
This resolves many "I DID NOT GO THERE" and "NO I MISSED IT" events in the game.
This would be very annoying. Plus one for it being a setting so everyone doesn't see this.
I'm one of those mentioned below who has issues with precise movements, I'm a bit older than average and my wrist shakes uncontrollably at times. This option would be greatly appreciated but perhaps make it a toggle so that only those who want/need it can enable it. Thx!
This has been resolved for attack moves. But is still an issue for general movement
Gian Marco
Also for people with disabilities like with the precision movements
This would work well as a toggle button rather than on permanently such as through the settings menu 👍
Eddie Symons
This would be really useful. I’ve had a number of times where I meant to attack something and just placed my character next to them instead, or did the attack but not from the correct adjacent tile.