Campaign Creator
S. C.
I know it has been requested a lot, but embracing House Rules and adding more customizable options and support for modded games would be amazing! Hell, make House Rules a core feature of Demeo by making your own campaign editor! I'd eventually like to see a way for players that don't know about these modded games to be able to join one via the main menu.
Some kind of editor would allow a lot more re-playability to the levels without even having to add new maps. This would basically make each map multipleX## in terms of options. We are new with Demeo, but so far have beaten each book on the 1st try, including the rat king. Currently going though book 4, but levels feel too easy? It does take a lot of time to think through decisions, but we are getting through them with a lot of health, no one downed, etc.
This would add more variety for advanced players or higher-level players.