Quadruple lp rewards, reduce unlock speed, rename campaign
Captain Fabulous
The game has fantastic player retention at overlord level but the problem is that to get there, players have to grind bots from around 500 lp to 2000 lp.
The lack of pvp ranked at these levels burns people out so they quit.
By quadrupling lp gains it would mean players speed through this desert of pve ranked and match with human players more often.
Furthermore the grind to unlock weapons is so time consuming it will put players off bothering before they unlock many of the weapons that make the game fun, once more harming new player retention.
Lastly, the campaign leads many players to believe the game is intended to be single player and they end up leaving after finishing it. In truth, the campaign is a tutorial and should be named as such. At the very least include a message at the end pushing people to ranked.
The game is amazing but includes mobile gaming inspired grinding mechanics normally intended to push players to purchase items. Either commit to this and offer a paid option to unlock weapons early or get rid of it. At present, the progression system is so painful that it helps no one and hurts both resolution and the player base.
I urge the devs to try playing the game on a new account to understand the new player experience