I'm a bit fascinated by the worldbuilding that has went into making Blaston the game that it is, although, it makes me hungry for more, especially when the Campaign mode leaves the player on a bit of a cliffhanger that has gone unresolved for years.
With how much time the game has sat around with no lore updates, it becomes easy to tell that the story Blaston is attempting to tell is about a faction known as the NeoTexx that so far has lead them to dismantle an opposing faction, the ModOps, with some hints about there being some ulterior motive behind the scenes as hinted by Hax's and Shoxx's character descriptions. The story leaves off with Argentia, the leader of the ModOps inviting the player to take on The Sledge, supposedly another adversary for the player to conquer along with his TrueTech crew.
I'm really curious to see where Blaston takes off if it decides to continue the story it started, and I know I can't be the only one. I've had some interesting discussions with other players in the OZO lounge about how they feel the story may play out, and one thing for certain is that the Campaign needs an update that reveals more details about the universe Blaston resides in aside from what is already known, such as Scrofax's relation to Taurex (via the Hurricane: Typhoon skin), the existance of other potential factions such as Viradi (via Viradi Raptor, Viradi Luma, and Cyber Bow), and even the universe's far past, such as the Carbon Wave and the previous existence of what is referred to as the Terrminousaur (both mentioned in the Raptor Ellipse: The Karnivore skin description). There's even potential for new arenas to spawn from the lore we know in the game as well, such as the Paracosm (Wildcat: Dynasty description) and Barter Bazaar (Constellation and Fatale skin descriptions).
That said, I want to give you guys the benefit of the doubt and believe that there is a lot of work going on behind the scenes at Resolution Games. Maybe someday we'll see some of these questions answered while more questions get raised. Blaston is truly an incredible game, and I recognize that game development isn't fast, but players are begging for content. I think a good way of sating this desire is to expand on the plot and setting of Blaston.