If I got a dollar for every bug I've found, I'd probably have $23. Not much, but it's kinda weird how I'd get 23 damn bucks. I'll help you find them:
  1. Hands glitch: Game has your hands unusable, and the only way to fix it is leaving the game (happens anywhere. ozo, main menu, duels.)
  2. Room full glitch: When a room is full when you come back from a playing/watching a duel, no rooms show.
  3. Luma bugs
a. Not re-grabbable: When you have the luma and you let go of it, sometimes you can't grab back onto it.
b. Not grabbable: You can't grab luma at all.
  1. Aegis Shield Disappears: After using aegis shield, sometimes it will never spawn back in.
  2. Servers suck: The servers will sometimes slow down drastically and it is as if we can't do anything about it.
These are only 5 (kinda 6) glitches to mention. Please do us all a favor and fix them